Alright, It Means Something To Me
“I want to carve the message in stone”—a statement that echoes the desire to preserve the ephemeral. But what message is meant remains unclear: are they the contours of body parts etched into red clay? Or simple calculations like 2+1-1-1? In her publication, Sophie Aigner explores the idea of voids and losses—ranging from literal holes dug into the ground to irretrievable moments of life. Through a combination of unglazed ceramic objects, aphoristic texts, and digital photomontages, Aigner creates connections between the material and the immaterial. Whether it’s a brick that reappears in ever-changing forms or deeply personal relics like a piece of umbilical cord, a strand of an ex-lover’s hair, or the bone of a living mother, these fragments speak of relationships, memory, and the longing to hold on in a world that is constantly in flux.